Council Agenda

Closed Session starts at 6:00 p.m. and Open Session begins at 7:00 p.m.
Council Chambers

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto conduct a meeting Closed to the public to consider the following:

Closed Session Minutes of May 21, 2024


Advice that is Subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege - Policy

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto resume into open Council.

    THAT Council receives the Closed Session report regarding Advice that is Subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege for information.

    THAT minutes of the Town of Minto May 21, 2024 Closed Session meeting and June 4, 2024 Regular Council meeting be approved.

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto receives the County of Wellington planning report regarding Zoning By-law amendment for Block 48 & 52, Lots 4-45 Anne St W, Bean St, and Thackeray Way, Harriston;
    AND FURTHER that the Council of the Town of Minto considers passing a By-law in open session. 

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives Report No. PLN 2024-023 Site Servicing Agreement – 69 Allan Street West, prepared by the Director of Building and Planning Services, for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto considers passing a By-law in regular session authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Site Servicing Agreement. 

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives Report No. PW 2024-017 Tender Results – Extension of Sanitary Sewer, Allan St. W, Clifford, prepared by the Roads and Drainage Manager, for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto directs the Treasurer to amend the 2024 Capital Budget by $242,717 to include additional expenditures and funding for the Extension of Sanitary Sewer, Allan St W, Clifford project with funding provided by a Capital Contribution from the Developer;
    AND FURTHER THAT Council of the Town of Minto awards Contract No. 6647-24 – Extension of Sanitary Sewer, Allan St. W, Clifford to the lowest bidder, Hanna and Hamilton Construction, for a total tender price of $182,727.00 excluding HST.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives report #2024-04 Pick Up Truck Replacement, prepared by the Director of Fire Services, for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the sole source purchase of a 2018 Ford F150 from Leslie Motors for the price of $31,500 +HST;
    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs the Treasurer to make the appropriate budget amendment to the 2024 Fire Capital Budget of $35,500 for this purchase.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report No. FIN 2024-009 Tangible Capital Assets, prepared by the Treasurer, for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto endorses and adopts the attached 2024 Asset Management Plan.


    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives Report No. CL 2024-007 Commemoration Policy, prepared by the Clerk, for information purposes;

    FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto provides direction on the fee to be associated with the Banner Program to be included in the Policy, Option: _____; AND

    FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto approves the Commemoration Policy as presented.

    THAT the Committee of the Whole convenes into Regular Council.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto ratifies the motions made in the Committee of the Whole.



    THAT By-law 2024-003 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted in open Council.

    THAT By-laws 2024-034 and 2024-035 be read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT By-law 2024-036, To confirm the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Minto respecting a meeting held June 18, 2024; be read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT The Council of the Town of Minto adjourns to meet again at the call of the Mayor.