Council Agenda

Closed Session starts at 2:30 p.m. and Open Session begins at 3:00 p.m
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    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto conduct a meeting Closed to the public to consider the following:

Closed Session Minutes of January 18, 2022

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land, Palmerston Industrial Park

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto resume into open Council.

    THAT minutes of the Town of Minto January 18th Closed Session meeting and February 15 Regular Council meeting be approved.

    THAT Council receives the correspondence as information. 

    THAT Council received the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of January 24, 2022 as information and approves any recommendations contained therein.

    THAT Council received the Minto Trails Committee minutes of January 17, 2022 as information and approves any recommendations contained therein.

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto receives the report from the Roads and Drainage Manager dated February 15, 2022 regarding the “Pedestrian Crossover Installation Report”,

    AND FURTHER that, the Council of the Town of Minto directs staff to proceed with the installation of the Level 2 Type B Pedestrian Crossover as presented at the intersection of Elora St S and Young St in Harriston

    AND FURTHER that, the Council of the Town of Minto direct staff to proceed with the Pedestrian Crossover painting as a pilot project in recognition of the LGBTQ2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Two-Spirit) and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) communities with funds raised by Minto Pride.

    That the Council of the Town of Minto receives the March 1, 2022, report from the Director of Economic and Community Development regarding the Golden Canadian Homes Development Charge Deferral Request and provides direction to staff.

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto receives report EC DEV 2022-003 regarding the 2021 Year in Review as information.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto recommends the County of Wellington Land Division Committee approve the Consent Application for B7/22 – Dobson Brothers Enterprises Ltd., for land legally described as Part Lot 25, Concession 1, with a municipal address of 5924 Wellington Road 123, in the Town of Minto, and that the following conditions be considered:

    1.    THAT the owner/applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Town of Minto, financial and otherwise, which the Town of Minto may deem to be necessary for the proper and orderly development of the subject lands, including but not limited to, the payment of any monies owed to the Town of Minto, and that all accounts are in good standing; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition. 

    2.    THAT the owner/applicant is advised that confirmation/approval, from the road authority with jurisdiction and to the satisfaction of the Town of Minto, may be required prior to any further development of both the severed and retained parcels; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    3.    THAT the owner/applicant supplies to the Town of Minto proof that a new Drainage Assessment Schedule has been approved to ensure the reapportionment of the applicable municipal drain(s) has been completed to satisfaction of the Town of Minto; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    4.    THAT the owner/applicant obtains a written statement from the Town of Minto confirming the proposed lots and associated land uses, buildings and structures comply with all applicable requirements in the Town of Minto; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto recommends the County of Wellington Land Division Committee approve the Consent Application for B17/22 – Trustees of the Congregation of Knox Church, for land legally described as Part Lots 65, 66 & 71, Borthwick’s Survey, in the former Town of Palmerston, Town of Minto, County of Wellington, and that the following conditions be considered:

    1.    THAT the owner/applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Town of Minto, financial and otherwise, which the Town of Minto may deem to be necessary for the proper and orderly development of the subject lands, including but not limited to, the payment of any monies owed to the Town of Minto, and that all accounts are in good standing; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition. 

    2.    THAT the owner/applicant confirms there is satisfactory access for both the severed and retained parcels from the road authority with jurisdiction and to the satisfaction of the Town of Minto; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    3.    THAT the owner/applicant obtains confirmation that servicing on the retained and severed parcel can currently be accommodated to the satisfaction of the Town of Minto; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    4.    THAT the owner/applicant satisfy the Town of Minto that individual municipal services for both the severed and retained lot are provided; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    5.    THAT the owner/applicant obtains a written statement from the Town of Minto confirming the proposed lots and associated land uses, buildings and structures comply with all applicable requirements in the Town of Minto; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    THAT Council receives report FIRE 2022-003 regarding Firefighter Mandatory Certifications for information.

    THAT Council receives report FIRE 2022-004 regarding the 2021 Year in Review as information.

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto receives report CL 2022-002 as information
    AND FURTHER THAT Council considers passing an updated Delegation of Authority Bylaw in Open Council.

    THAT Council receives report CL 2022-003 regarding Sole Source Purchasing of Electronic Document Management System 
    AND further, that Council of the Town of Minto approves purchasing FileHold Electronic Document Management System from Image Advantage Solutions Inc at a cost of $33,740.00 before HST.

    THAT the Committee of the Whole convenes into Regular Council

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto ratifies the motions made in the Committee of the Whole.


    THAT By-law 2022-19; Being a By-Law to delegate certain powers and duties to officers and employees of the Town of Minto; is read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation

    THAT By-law 2022-20; To confirm actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Minto respecting a meeting held March 1, 2022; be read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT The Council of the Town of Minto adjourns to meet again at the call of the Mayor

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