Council Agenda

Closed Session starts at 2:30 p.m. and Open Session begins at 3:00 p.m.
Council Chambers

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto conduct a meeting Closed to the public to consider the following:

Closed Session Minutes of June 18, 2024


Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land - Harriston

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto resume into open Council.

    THAT Council received the Closed Session report regarding a Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land - Harriston;
    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the confidential direction to staff.

    THAT minutes of the Town of Minto June 18, 2024 Closed Session meeting and June 18, 2024 Regular Council meeting be approved.

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto receives report EC DEV 2024-011 regarding the Town of Minto Economic & Community Development Master Plan, prepared by the Director, Economic and Community Development for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto officially endorses and adopts the Economic & Community Development Master Plan as presented.

    THAT Council receives the Economic Development and Planning Committee minutes of June 6, 2024 as information and approves any recommendations contained therein.

    THAT Council receives the Cultural Roundtable minutes of June 26, 2024 as information and approves any recommendations contained therein.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives Report PLN 2024-025, B71/23: Michael & Tracey Schaus, prepared by the Planning Coordinator, for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto recommends that the County of Wellington Land Division Committee approve Consent Application B71/23 – Michael & Tracy Schaus, for land legally described as Part of Lots 61 & 62, Concession D, in the former Village of Clifford, also known as 41 Park Street West, Clifford, and that the following conditions be considered:

    1. THAT the owner/applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Town of Minto, financial and otherwise, which the Town of Minto may deem to be necessary for the proper and orderly development of the subject lands, including but not limited to, the payment of any monies owed to the Town of Minto, and that all accounts are in good standing; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
    2. THAT the owner/applicant confirms they are aware of the following:
      • That the associated development costs of the parcel(s) are solely the responsibility of the Developer;
      • That a Site Servicing Agreement has been entered into with the Town of Minto, which will not be discharged until the Plan of Subdivision has been approved;
      • That the Town of Minto will continue to retain the securities under the Site Servicing Agreement until the works under that agreement have been constructed or alternate works have been approved by the Town through a Plan of Subdivision;
      • That the owner/applicant confirms they are aware that the Town of Minto will not discharge the 50m x 22m Park Street Bulb easement until the works under the Site Servicing Agreement or an alternative design has been approved and constructed to the satisfaction to the Town; and,

    FURTHER that the Town of Minto files with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives report PW 2024-018 regarding Municipal Drain #104 Request For Quotations (RFQ) Results, prepared by the Drainage Superintendent, for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto awards the contract to Robinson Farm Drainage Limited for the total price of $38,100.00, excluding HST.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives report FIRE 2024-005, prepared by the Deputy Chief, regarding the Community Risk Assessment, for information purposes.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives report FIN 2024-010 Municipal Funding Agreement – CCBF, prepared by the Treasurer, for information purposes;
    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto considers a By-law, in regular session, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign and execute an Agreement between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Town of Minto.

    THAT the Committee of the Whole convenes into Regular Council.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto ratifies the motions made in the Committee of the Whole.


    THAT By-law 2024-033 be read a third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT By-law 2024-037 be read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT By-law 2024-038, To confirm the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Minto respecting a meeting held July 9, 2024; be read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT The Council of the Town of Minto adjourns to meet again at the call of the Mayor.