Council Agenda

Council Chambers

    THAT minutes of the Town of Minto July 9, 2024 Regular Council meeting be approved.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report PW 2024-019 Minto Pines Wellhead Protection Area Amendment, prepared by the Risk Management Official, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto pass a resolution in support of the proposed wellhead protection area amendment for the Minto Pines municipal water system;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto directs staff to forward that resolution to the Saugeen Valley, Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Region.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report EC DEV 2024-012, prepared by the Director of Economic and Community Development, regarding the sale of land in the Palmerston Industrial Park to Float King Manufacturing Corp, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto considers a by-law in open session authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the Agreement of Purchase & Sale.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report EC DEV 2024-013, prepared by the Director of Economic and Community Development, regarding the Launchit Business Exploration Centre Relocation for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Minto Council considers a by-law in open session authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the Lease Agreement and corresponding documents.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report PLN 2024-027 – B50/24 – Donald and Sheila Grein Severance, prepared by the Planning Coordinator, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto recommends that the County of Wellington Land Division Committee NOT approve Consent Application B50/24 – Ronald and Sheila Grein, for land legally described as CON C PART LOT 92, with a municipal address of 6194 Wellington Rd 109, in the Town of Minto.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report PLN 2024-028 – B56/24 – B57-24 Finalyson Consent, prepared by the Planning Coordinator, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto recommends the County of Wellington Land Division Committee approve Consent Application B56/24 – B57/24 – Marilyn Finlayson, for land legally described as PT PARK LOT 19, with a municipal address of 585 Raglan St, in the Town of Minto, and that the following conditions be considered:

    1. THAT the owner/applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Town of Minto of the following:
      • Financial and otherwise, which the Town of Minto may deem necessary for the proper and orderly development of the subject lands, including but not limited to the payment of any monies owed to the Town of Minto, and ensuring that all accounts are in good standing;
      • Parkland dedication as provided for in the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, including, where applicable, paying cash-in-lieu of parkland in the amount of $500 per lot or as specified in the applicable policy of the Town;
      • That frontage fees, where applicable and as required by the Town, have been paid to the satisfaction of the Town; and

    FURTHER, that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    1. THAT the owner/applicant confirms they are aware of the following:
      • That development costs of the parcel(s) are solely the responsibility of the Developer;
      • That servicing and right-of-way works required for any future development of the parcels must be completed in conformance with The Town of Minto Procurement By law and in accordance with the Town’s Service Extension & Connection Policy and Municipal Servicing & Design Standards;
      • That there is satisfactory access for both the severed and retained parcels, an Entrance Permit can obtained from the road authority with jurisdiction, to the satisfaction of the Town of Minto; and

    FURTHER, that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.

    1. THAT a satisfactory Grading, Drainage & Servicing Plan, in accordance with the Town’s Building By-law, is submitted and approved by the Town; further, that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives report PLN 2024-029 – B58/24 – Trustees of Knox Presbyterian Church – Consent (Urban LLA), prepared by the Planning Coordinator, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto recommends the County of Wellington Land Division Committee approve Consent Application B58/24 – B59/24 - Trustees of Knox Presbyterian Church, for land legally described as PALMERSTON LOT 66 PT LOTS 65;AND 71 BORTHWICK SVY, with a municipal address of 315 Main St W, in the Town of Minto, and that the following conditions be considered:

    1. THAT the owner/applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Town of Minto, financial and otherwise, which the Town of Minto may deem to be necessary for the proper and orderly development of the subject lands, including but not limited to, the payment of any monies owed to the Town of Minto, and that all accounts are in good standing; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives report PLN 2024-030 – B64/24 – Surinder Chaudhry Consent Severance, prepared by the Planning Coordinator, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto recommends the County of Wellington Land Division Committee approve Consent Application B64/24 – Surinder Chaudhry, for land legally described as PART LOT 21 &22, CON 1, with a municipal address of 255 Norman St, Clifford, in the Town of Minto, and that the following conditions be considered:

    1. THAT the owner/applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Town of Minto, financial and otherwise, which the Town of Minto may deem to be necessary for the proper and orderly development of the subject lands, including but not limited to, the payment of any monies owed to the Town of Minto, and that all accounts are in good standing; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report CS 2024-003, prepared by the Director of Community Services, regarding the 2025 Elementary School Curling Championship Sponsorship Request, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto provide direction on the nature of any in-kind sponsorship or donation of facilities to the Palmerston Curling Club, the hosts of the event.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report CL 2024-008, prepared by the Clerk, regarding Policy Review, is for information purposes.

    AND FURTHER THAT Policies 1.14 Flag Policy & Protocol Public Awareness Campaigns & Proclamations Policy and 1.2 Code of Conduct, Accountability and Transparency and Fiscal Accountability Policy be repealed;

    AND FURTHER THAT Policy 1.10 Use of Corporate Resources During an Election Period be approved;

    AND FURTHER THAT a By-law to adopt the new Code of Conduct for Council Members Policy, Accountability and Transparency Policy and the Council Staff Relations Policy be passed in open session.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby receives report CL 2024-009 Lease Agricultural Land Policy, prepared by the Clerk, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto approves the updated 1.4 Lease Agricultural Land Policy, as attached to this report.

    THAT Council of the Town of Minto receives report CL 2023-010, prepared by the Deputy Clerk, regarding 2024 Holiday Office Closure, 2025 Council Meeting Schedule, and 2025 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for information;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the Holiday Hours, 2025 Council Meeting Schedule, and the 2025 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner date and location as outlined in the report.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto receives report FIN 2024-012 Development Charges and Water and Wastewater Studies, prepared by the Treasurer, for information purposes;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto accepts the proposal of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. for a Development Charges Background Study, Current Development Charges Amending By-law, Water and Wastewater Rates Study & Financial Plans, as attached;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Town of Minto approves the use of Administration, Water, and Wastewater reserves to fund the individual studies within the Watson & Associates Economists Ltd proposal.

    THAT the Committee of the Whole convenes into Regular Council.

    THAT the Council of the Town of Minto ratifies the motions made in the Committee of the Whole.


    THAT By-laws 2024-039 through 2024-043 be read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT By-law 2024-044 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted in open Council.

    THAT By-law 2024-045, To confirm the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Minto respecting a meeting held August 13, 2024; be read a first, second, third time and passed in open Council and sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

    THAT The Council of the Town of Minto adjourns to meet again at the call of the Mayor.

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