THAT the Council of the Town of Minto hereby recommends to the County of Wellington Land Division Committee that they approve Consent Application B102/24 – JEM Freight Inc. c/o John Martens, for land legally described as PART LOT 8, with a municipal address of 310 York St, Palmerston, in the Town of Minto, and that the following conditions be considered:
- THAT the owner/applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Town of Minto of the following:
- Financial and otherwise, which the Town of Minto may deem necessary for the proper and orderly development of the subject lands, including but not limited to the payment of any monies owed to the Town of Minto, and ensuring that all accounts are in good standing;
- Parkland dedication as provided for in the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, including, where applicable, paying cash-in-lieu of parkland in the amount of $500 per lot or as specified in the applicable policy of the Town;
- Frontage fees, where applicable and as required by the Town, have been paid to the satisfaction of the Town;
AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
- THAT the owner/applicant confirms they are aware of the following:
- That development costs of the parcel(s) are solely the responsibility of the developer.
- That servicing and right-of-way works required for any future development of the parcels must be completed in conformance with The Town of Minto Procurement By law and in accordance with the Town’s Service Extension & Connection Policy and Municipal Servicing & Design Standards;
- That there is satisfactory access for both the severed and retained parcels, an Entrance Permit can be obtained from the road authority with jurisdiction, to the satisfaction of the Town of Minto;
AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
- THAT a satisfactory Grading, Drainage & Servicing Plan, in accordance with the Town’s Building By-law, is submitted and approved by the Town; and further, that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
- THAT The owner obtains a Municipal Servicing Permit for the newly created lot from the Town of Minto and pay the associated fees; and further, that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.
- THAT zoning compliance be achieved to the satisfaction of the Town of Minto; and further that the Town of Minto file with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning and Land Division Committee a letter of clearance of this condition.